‘Bionic Penis’ Man Offered Bang Bros Deal

January 30, 2017, by Steve


There’s so much I want to ask about this story, but so little time to ask it in.

First of all, if such a thing as a ‘bionic penis’ exists, then why the hell hadn’t I heard of it by now? I don’t need one or anything (honest!) but I’d have thought this would be the subject of much public debate!

Secondly, the details of this accident this poor man endured when he was a kid that led to him losing his penis. He was apparently throwing snowballs with friends and ran into a road or was pushed in front of a car. And, what, it ran over his cock?

I don’t know, if that happened to me, I think I would remember the details pretty clearly!

Still, the video should be interesting if he takes up the offer. Which he won’t. Because they never do, do they!

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